Search result for: “ brain”

The Brain Diet

The Brain Diet Fueling Cognitive Function with Nutrition

The Importance of Nutrition for Brain Health Your brain is the command center of your body, controlling how you think, feel, and act. To function correctly, your brain requires high-quality fuel from the foods you eat every day. Feeding your brain the right mix of nutrients is one of the best ways to maintain cognitive abilities, boost brain health, and …

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Ways to Overcome Procrastination

9 Effective Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Are you the kind of person who sincerely wants to become more productive and disciplined, exercise regularly, eat healthy, wake up early, and finish tasks and projects on time? But you just can’t seem to make these things happen for whatever reason. Every day, you struggle to have actual practice and stick with your goals. You are not alone; almost …

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Positive Psychology Exercises

7 Positive Psychology Exercises to Enhance Your Well-Being

When you think about psychology, your minds tend to link it with mental illness and learn the factors behind conditions like depression or the aftermath of trauma. However, positive psychology is a bit different; it makes you focus on understanding what contributes to mental well-being, not solely on mental illness. In this article, Mental Map Guide will list the top …

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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Techniques

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Techniques for a Calmer Life

Feeling stressed? It could be due to unexpected events, life changes, or ongoing challenges like a tricky relationship, loneliness, health issues, money worries, or unsatisfying work. No matter the cause, prolonged stress can leave you feeling exhausted and anxious. Understanding how your brain reacts to stress can help you steer towards a calmer, more focused, positive mindset. Since stress comes …

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7 Stages of Grieving

Understanding the 7 Stages of Grieving

Grief touches us all. It’s something we’ll likely face sooner or later, whether the reasons are the loss of a loved one, a job, the end of a relationship, or any significant life shift. Grief is personal and doesn’t neatly follow a straight line. It doesn’t stick to schedules or timelines. You might find yourself crying, getting angry, withdrawing, or …

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Why is sleep important for Mental Health

Why Is Sleep Important for Mental Health?

Everyone has experienced that feeling! It’s one o’clock in the morning, and you close your eyes, struggling on your bed. Then you helplessly open your eyes, looking for something to help you sleep better; you try turning on meditation music, picking up a book to read, etc. What happens? The alarm bell rings, and you really feel like you’re going …

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Am I Neurotic

Understanding Neuroticism and Its Impact on Mental Health: Am I Neurotic?

Ever wondered why you sometimes feel extra stressed or get those bouts of anxiety? Well, it might just be a thing called neuroticism—a personality trait that messes with your emotions. So, what’s neuroticism? It’s like a sliding scale of how much stress and negative vibes you might feel. From worries and self-doubt to straight-up anxiety and anger, it covers a …

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body shaming

Combating the Implications of Body Shaming on Mental Well-Being

Do you ever catch yourself dealing with body-shaming thoughts? Let’s see what exactly body shaming is – an opposing force that can seriously affect our lives and mental well-being. This harmful mindset can cast a dark cloud over our daily experiences, impacting our self-esteem and self-love. But worry not! Mental Map Guide will guide you through the most fantastic solutions …

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Are Lobotomies Illegal

Are Lobotomies Illegal? A Look into the History of Psychiatric Treatments

Are lobotomies illegal? This seemingly simple question opens up a complex story of medical history, ethical debates, and legal considerations. In today’s post, Mental Map Guide will bring you a deep knowledge of lobotomies, their impact on medicine, the history of Psychiatric treatments, and more. But first, let’s learn what lobotomies are. What Is a Lobotomy? Lobotomy is alternatively known …

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